
Student Corner

Westerners supporting Terrorists

Written by: Aashrab Khanal - 2022001, Grade XI

Posted on: 26 May, 2021

The ceasefire between Israel-Hamas went into effect on Friday, May 21. It ended the 11-day conflict in the Middle East. The death toll is estimated to be over 250. The conflict started escalating after Palestinian “Dictator” President Mahmoud Abbas suspended the planned elections and blamed Israel for interfering in the voting process. At last, the terrorist organization and also the ruling party in Gaza fired rockets into Israel, and retaliation followed soon. 

        But these types of conflicts are nothing new and happen once every five or ten years. The surprising thing is the growing Western support for violent and radical elements within the Palestinian society. It seems as if the shifting of political ideologies to the left makes people more peace-loving. But peace comes with the feeling of coexistence between different ethnic groups which in this case are Jews and Arabs/Palestinians. But how is peace possible when one side wants to exterminate the other. Hamas’s representatives openly acknowledge on TWITTER that they want to kill all the Jews and they use the humanitarian fund provided to them for rebuilding infrastructure instead to buy weapons and teach their children to hate Jews. Terrorist groups like Hamas are elected by the Palestinians and their growing popularity suggests that the normal Palestinians are getting more radicalized. Hamas proclaims Jihad against Jews and other oppressors which should be a familiar term to Americans and Europeans. How is it possible to forget terrorist attacks done in the name of Jihad like 9/11, Boston Marathon bombing, Brussels bombing,2015 Paris attacks,2005 London bombings, and the list goes on?

 There might be many causes for this change in sentiment. But we shouldn't care about the people who don't understand human behavior, societal structure and want to embrace victimhood.

Source:[ BBC(2021)‘Israel-Gaza ceasefire holds despite Jerusalem clash’]