
Student Corner

Anger Management

Written by: Darshan Mainali - 2022007, Grade XI

Posted on: 17 May, 2021

We all get angry at one or other point of our lives. But should we let that anger affect our future?

It is natural for human beings to get angry when the desire doesn't meet their needs or someone harms their status. Although it is natural for humans to get angry we must learn how to control and manage it.

To control and manage the anger issues of people anger management was introduced.

Anger management helps in controlling anger within you before it controls you.People learn to control their emotional feelings when they have control over themselves. A person who has control over himself can overcome anger easily. When you go to bed angry you cannot find inner peace and cannot sleep peacefully, this means one shouldn’t be controlled with its anger, rather focus on controlling it.

So how can you control your anger and not rage towards people?

The best way to control anger is to drink cold water and calm yourself down. Some might even exercise to control anger. Anger doesn't solve anything, it just makes us dull and entrap us within itself leading towards destruction.. When you are angry you should control what you act, do,or speak of. The words that you have spoken once cannot be taken back anyhow. When you rage towards people and express anger in verbal terms , you will probably regret later. When you are angry you lose focus in your work. For example :  When you are playing a game and your friend keeps on calling you a loser and blames all the mishaps onto you , you get angry, frustrated and lose focus on that game. When you're calm, you can keep your focus maintained.

Anger also brings pain underneath it. When you are angry, you either hurt others or yourself.Whenever you react in anger or demand any action under anger, you lose self control.It is also noticed that people make hasty decisions and choices when they are angry or really frustrated in their mind. The choices that are made when you’re angry cannot be undone. A small moment of anger can sometimes destroy a lifetime of relationships and work.

It is said if you can master self-control , you can master anything. If others make you angry easily then it simply means that you do not have control over yourself and you are not balanced. The road to becoming truly successful is by confronting all your weaknesses. 

Anger is something you can't instantly get rid of for your whole life but you can control your reactions. So we must all try to supress the anger issues and control it in a better way.