
Student Corner

Watch Your Heads!!

Written by: Safal Gautam - 2022016, Grade XI

Posted on: 10 May, 2021

Imagine a cloudy day, you are scolding the clouds in anticipation of the sun to once again give the earth its warm sunlight. But, reality is cruel, you hear a sound as if something in the sky is falling down from the sky. Looking above you see a huge gap in the clouds as a 21-ton rocket debris falls down exactly to the place you are, more precisely right on top of your head. You are pretty lucky as only 1 in 75,000 have such a chance, “Enjoy the moment” --- Should I ???

The bad news is that you won’t survive the crash and so will the people who are around you, specifically around the periphery of the impact zone. Now, that is unlucky. Most of you may be notified with the fact that China had launched the largest rocket it had made last week. News reporters have found that the debris from the rocket, originally planned to fall on the sea has deviated from its course of action causing it difficult to find its crash site. More than 80% of the Earth’s Surface was first designated as the potential of crash at first.

Earlier, before it deviated from its path, Space institutions around the world have given their own theory and reports on where the debris might fall. The debris has been said to fall around either near Maldives or in the Mediterranean Basin. Well, Government Officials have expressed that there may not be harm to Human Lives and only if the unknown happens may the Human Lives in certain parts be threatened. Such reports of uncontrolled rockets have been often heard, the last one also being from China that fell in the Atlantic Ocean which was west of Africa.

Nevertheless, Good news is that the 100 metre debris has fallen down in the “No Man's Land” Indian Ocean but the danger is still there though not for now but in future. What if it were in Man’s Land? We would have lost many lives. Technology has given us more but we sometimes could have control over it.