
Student Corner

A Fleeting Dream

Written by: Samrat Nakarmi - 2022011, Grade XI

Posted on: 06 May, 2021

“Happy birthday, my dear!”

“Happy birthday!”

“Happy birthday sis!”

“Thanks everyone!”

Today is my birthday. And being overwhelmed with wishes feels very surreal. Smiles everywhere. Food scattered all around. I even got a teddy bear! When was the last time everything was this fun? I can’t remember. Ever since the war started, everyday has been a living hell. Water became scarce, food even scarcer. It has been a while since we had this fun. And to think that my family would surprise me with this feels like I’m in heaven.

“You’re the best family I could ever ask for! I can never be able to repay this to you.”

“Darling, we want nothing in return, especially during your birthday. Your smile is enough to make us last through this war scarred life of ours.”

“No! That won’t do. It may have been my birthday but you still used precious food just to make me happy. I’ve decided! I’m gonna buy huuuuuge gifts for all of you first thing after the war that you won’t be able to believe your eyes!.”

“Haha. Then we will happily wait for that day, dear. Gosh, I can’t believe you were 11 just a few days ago. You already seem like an adult.”

“That’s coz I am. See, I can cook and feed everyone!”

“Ha - call yourself that once you’ve paid taxes. And you’re still carrying that teddy.”

Laughter courses throughout the room.This truly is the best day ever. All I ever want is here and I never want to lose this. ----

“Hey sis! Come play!!”

“Ugh- what am i to do with you. You know this is my birthday right. But since I am in a good mood, I’ll play with you”


I played with my brother for the rest of the day. It felt like five minutes but 3 hours had already passed. I helped my mom arrange for dinner, and bake the cake. Today might be the only day we’re able to eat like this. But for that exact reason, I have to make it worth it. Everyone should be happy.
“Dinner’s ready!”

“I told you to rest today darling! It’s your birthday.”

“Exactly! Since it’s my birthday, I get to do whatever I want! And I wanted to help mum!”

“Oh you”

We sit around the dinner table as the sky dusks. Truly, I could ask for nothing more than this. This must be a blessing from God. The happiest day of my life. I’m going to cherish this memory even after I die!

“So darling, did you make your wish?”

“Yeah!! I wished to be a doctor. Since a lot of people are getting injured because of the war, I wanted to become someone that can heal them. So, I asked God to make me a doctor!”

“That is a wonderful wish my dear. I can’t believe we have such a beautiful child like you! I love you so much!”

“Yeahh, I lov-----”


“This is Bravo-6. We have landed successfully.”

“Copy that Bravo-6. Scan the area for hostiles”

“Roger that”

“Did we really have to nuke this place? This area was filled with civilians. We may have been at war but this is too much”

“There is nothing we can do. We only follow orders.”

“Hey, I see something. Might be a survivor.”


“This is awful. Half of her body is torn off. Shrapnels all over her body. She should be dead yet she is still breathing and holding on to that toy, a teddy bear”

“She’s saying something”

“She’s been saying that again and again.”

“Pull out your gun”

“What?! Why”

“Trust me, it’s for her sake. Give her a painless death rather than a fleeting dream”



“Alpha-1 to Bravo-6, we are retreating”

“Bravo-6, copy that”

“I hope that was for the best”

“All we can do is hope”
