
Student Corner

The Wave of Social Media

Written by: Simon Sangat - 2022019, Grade XI

Posted on: 03 May, 2021

It is indeed a fact that more than half the world uses social media in today’s context. The rise of social media occurred at a massive rate within the past decade. Social media is basically an application or a group of software programs and websites that connects us to the world.  Social media enables one to create and share content or to participate in social networking by sharing text, photos or any sort of data and information. The main reason why social media is so prominent is because it provides a platform for us to communicate from any part of the world at any time as long as we have internet access.

As a matter of fact, social media has completely changed the world and has made a huge impact on the world. Clearly, we can view the impact created by social media in today’s day to day life as most of the people are glued to their phone from morning till night-time. Social media is like flying a fish you might not know what you’re actually doing and why and where exactly you are investing your time but you are still putting your efforts to stay connected. For many people not a day passes without them posting on social media and scrolling on Instagram or Facebook feeds. The astonishing thing about social media is that it knows how to keep their users glued to the screen for hours. Social media is manipulating us both directly and indirectly. Most of us spend hours of our day wandering in social media platforms that means it is consuming our priceless time for not much in return. It is seen that those who use social media for a long time they gradually build insecurities about them not being as good or as happy as others. We unknowingly start to compare ourselves and our life with what we see in social media. I am not saying that all what we see on social media are unreal or unnecessary. I believe that it is a privilege for being able to use social media applications.

Nowadays, through social media business marketing strategies have also been profited as it manipulates users to buy their product. In general, social media has benefited the people to a great extent rather it be video call, text, time pass or sharing your status or presenting your view to the world. In my point of view social media has its own pros and cons ,it is regarded to be useful because it serves as a way of connecting to the whole world but again it exposes our data directly or indirectly, and in today’s context data is the most important thing in the world if they can access our data then they can manipulate us very easily. Social media has vastly evolved from being a handy means for keeping in touch with friends and family to being used in ways that have a real impact on the world. Social media is now being used in ways that involves politics, different cultures, education, careers, innovation, business and many more.

Social media is a remarkable progress in technology as it provides information, connects us to the current situation and what is happening in the world, but more of anything does more harm than good likewise maximum use of social media spoils us and our time. Social media, if used when only needed to consume information or to provide useful information, can lead us to a very productive life. Any platform where we spend our most time should be for our personal development and not for passing time only, we should learn and enhance our knowledge and ignore conflicts which are of no use that prevails in these platforms. We should spread positivity, wisdom and knowledge in social media and should not strengthen cyber-crime like cyber bullying, hacking or spreading hate on social media.

Moreover, everyone should be using social media as a boon of technology and use it tactfully so that it serves us more convenience. One should not invest their most valuable weapon that is time, on something that doesn’t do any good. I wish that Social media would be regarded as a blessing and not a tool that takes one’s time and makes one unproductive.