
Student Corner

My first experience when I came to Kathmandu for my higher study away from home

Written by: Binaya Rijal - 2022010, Grade XI

Posted on: 29 April, 2021

I don't want to remember the time because from that time I became alone and I got away from my home. It was a day of poush 3, I left my home and came here to Kathmandu. After finishing my SEE exams, my parents decided to send me away for my further studies. They sent me to Kathmandu where I would learn and achieve something, changing my way of thinking for the better.

After a lot of research my parents send me off to Deerwalk sifal school +2. This massive college is located in Sifal, Kathmandu. This was the first time I was away from home, the first time I was interacting with new people. The first day of my college was not so good because of my exam.  I was so nervous it wasn't funny. Also, I didn't have my mom right by my side and I felt very hard in doing work.

I have to do everything like cooking, washing, etc. The biggest challenge for me at the very first time was to adjust in a new city, community and college because previously I was used to being in my own city, with my old friends, at my old school. At the very first time, I often got homesick and wanted to go home but after some days I was adjusted. After adjusting here, I felt much easier than the previous days but the feeling of living alone makes it quite difficult. Every morning I used to wake up at 6:00 am and do my work and get ready for my college. After college, I come back home and do my work as usual. The routine is usual as other days.

The biggest thing about living alone is to get freedom and there we get a chance of doing our own. Sometimes we get homesick because we miss our parents, family and neighbours so much. Living alone helps to improve discipline, encourages independence and develops communicating and participating skills. We learn how to evaluate the things we assume to be true in light and help in developing ideas, views etc. Thus, away from home makes improvement in self living, self dependent and other surrounding activities.