
Student Corner

365 days in my life!!

Written by: Samyam Shrestha - 2022012, Grade XI

Posted on: 28 April, 2021

“Wow thing called can be very amusing, every day can be fun in a painful way. The way we interpret life can show how satisfied we are. Even though I am , Why don’t that pain go away!!!?? Why does it hurt for a person to survive!”

“Why do I have only 365 day to survive? Please why won’t anyone tell me that thing is a lie ! Why doesn’t anyone deny the fact! .”

Voices in my head,”Because you were never meant to survive , after the extraction disaster”

Me whispering ,”So , I was affected by that huh! No chance of living, body slowly decaying.”  

*Laughs while holding tears in the eyes*

“So whatever i do , i am gonna die, anyways huh! Will crying stop the inevitable, The answer is ‘NO!’. My hand keeps shaking , why.? , why..? , I told myself that I won't fear anything, I won't cry to anything, But the tears can’t stop falling down.” 

*Wipes the tears with a cloth*

“Now, let fulfill every wishes that I have written, but who is gonna help me if my family don’t exist”

*Hits in his face*

“No negative thoughts , Just Moving forward in life, Weaks tend to take a shortcut, But strong overcomes it. I will see throughout the life, Each day of this life won’t go to waste and i will see my end myself with the satisfaction of completing everything as listed ”

*Stands on his feet*

“Now let start fulfilling my needs  for 363 days”

The countdown started of the boy’s life. The boy has countless wishes. In this world, surviving without support is similar to going through hell. Yet, after many times of cheering himself on, he did tend to do anything because it seemed pointless. He was kicked out of workplace , school and was isolated from society. The boy fell into despair.

“Nothing can be done, how much I try, huh, all leads to nothingness at last, so why to suffer with a big face!!”

The boy just kept sinking in the void of nothingness. The life he wished for breaked into pieces. Nothing can be done to patch this up. The memories of his family flashed before his eyes. The word everyone told him to grow and become a source of return.

“I promised my parents that I will correct myself, I will become a great human being that survived, I will make this world remember my name.”

Everyday in his life, he didn't waste any time. He decided to live for the name. He worked everyday from dawn to dusk. He tends to create his own life and make a remarkable progress that could make him famous. But everything wouldn’t go smoothly. In this Cruel World, ‘Superior being suppresses the weaker’. Superior make people under their control by means of threats. No-one ever dares to defy the superiors.

“Why !, Why !, Why !, even though the work I did was better so why was I not chosen, Why was the worst work chosen over others, that guys didn't even do anything, so Why”

When he asked the same question to the head person in charge. The head person avoided him. But then she turned back and said a few words.

“ Superiors win at all cost, Suppress-es the weak, Threats everyone……..”

Then the head person fell down, losing consciousness. The boy realized that he had faced hard times that she committed sucide through poison. Boy cried in despair.

“Wow! I never had any chances in front of them, how do people survive? I wasted 205 days for nothing.”

*Falls into void of no return*

“I give up on my life, but I will have my revenge on these superiors who walked around like kings. They don't deserve to live. For their crimes that will pay, Now i guess i won't be popular from good means, i would be popular from the evil side.”

*Boy laughs as a new evil was born*

He learned about hacking, and created many terrorist items. It took him about 100 days to perfect everything. Hence, Only got 60 days to survive and execute his plan.


The boy injected the virus into their system. Causing system failure and emergency system to turn on. Every Single door was closed in the facility. He injected a harmful virus in the ventilation system and flooded the whole place with toxic smoke containing viruses. He bombed the nearby facilities.

“Let the destruction start.”

*Tap the button in the detonator*

Everything falling apart. The army outside could enter the building as there was a risk of a bomb nearby the area. 



Then he fled from the place. Camera caught footage of the boy in the area which was recorded in nearby buildings. 

“Now, my revenge has been taken, i will spend rest of my remaining day”

The incident had mentally affected the boy. Then his condition got worse. He couldn’t even stand. There was no-one to take care of him. The house was old Rotten no-one used to go there. The boy passed away in the house, which is said to be haunted.

Government was still in search of the terrorist. Someday later, one of the head detectives of the case visited the house said to be haunted with some people as that could be a perfect place for hiding. But found piles of bones on the bed with spider webs all round the room. He was given a proper burial but the house was taken down by the government, but the house was still reported to be seen standing in the night.         Every Year!!.


      **************************************THE END**************************************