
Student Corner


Written by: Manisha Gurung - 22030, Grade XI

Posted on: 26 April, 2021

Nothing is good or bad in the world, our thinking makes it so. This mighty remark made by William Shakespeare the emperor of English drama is absolutely right in the case of science.  Science is neither a curse nor a blessing. it’s fully up to us how we use it.

Science has brought a modern and improved lifestyle and gifted creative change to us.  Innumerable wonders done by science are seen in every route and path of life. Science has given us speed, luxury, comfort zone, satisfaction, achievement, and a safe life. Countless inventions and discoveries made in the realm of science have made human life worth living.

Science has given care to all incurable diseases. Science has provided us each and every productive facility. People are planning to make mars as earth and it is possible with the help of science and technology. The electricity and countless electronic devices provide us entertainment and enjoyment.

However, science is no exception to its mighty drawbacks. Machines perform our works which makes us lazy, unhealthy, and parasites. At the same time, they are the causes of unemployment which ultimately leads society towards poverty, crime and chaos. Worst of all, atom bombs, rockets, and other harmful scientific human devices were used in the war killing millions of people within a second. So, they are the real causes of carnage. Because of this fact, one of the scholars said, “science is an angel in peace but a devil in war”.

At last, our ills are not only due to science, it is its misuse that has created unthinkable havoc. Therefore, the intelligent and reasonable use and control of scientific inventions is a boon to humanity whereas its wrong use is a grievous affliction.