
Student Corner

Introverts or Extroverts

Written by: Shreejal Khatri - 2022024, Grade XI

Posted on: 21 April, 2021

There are many types of people in this world in terms of their behaviour, personalities. My article focuses on two mainly types: introvert people and extrovert people. The people who are usually shy, quiet and thoughtful are mostly known as introverts. They mostly reject being social in life and just want to be alone. On the other hand there are extroverts who are often described as the talkative, social and outgoing person. It’s basically the opposite of an introverted person.

So the question may arise here, Is being an introverted person better than an extrovert and vice-versa? First let's make it clear that these are just the personality of a person.

As we are human beings we have different personalities and being one of the introverts or an extrovert is part of having our personality. It defines us as what kind of a person we are. Most introverts lack social life and because of it they have anxiety problems , they may not be good at public speaking or they might just want to stay alone and make or form no relation with friends and other people. As there are the demerits of introverts but also has good qualities of being one of them. For example they are mostly polite and mind their own business, as they are not socially active they have time to understand themselves and plan for the future what is best for them. So these were some of the aspects of an introvert and can be taken as merits. About extroverts, their downside is that they get distracted very easily, most of them always want to hang out with friends and family rather than thinking about themselves. They are attention-seeking people as well as can’t stay alone. But there are merits of extroverts as well. They are very quick and have a good skill to make friends easily. They form relationships faster and better. They take part in socializing with other people which really makes them stand out from others. 

From the above paragraphs we got to know the different aspects of an introvert and an extrovert. There are other types of people as well such as Ambivert who show both the qualities of an extrovert and introvert. In conclusion we must respect all kinds of people as everyone is different from one another.