
Student Corner

The summary of 9 months

Written by: Ansel Dhungana - 22018, Grade XI

Posted on: 20 April, 2021

Disclaimer:- All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Ram woke up stretching his arms. He let out a long yawn, looked around, the room was dark because the sun had not risen yet. He strained his ears to hear the birds singing. The birds were singing a sweet melody that relaxed him. He felt that he was in heaven. The sweet melody of the birds did that to him. 

That was all a lie. It was 11 in the morning. His room was still dark because he had closed the curtains so the sunlight could not penetrate the room. The melody of the birds he was imagining was actually the sound of machinery used in constructing a building across the street. He would have slept longer if not for the fact that his father was vigorously knocking on the door. ¨Ram, wake up! Lunch is ready, wake up. It is already 11¨. He let out another yawn while replying to his father so it sounded something like,¨Caaaawwwwwwaaaah inng¨. He slid out of his bed and opened the curtains. He turned around and looked for a T-Shirt. He did not find one so he started searching for it properly. Outside the door, his father, getting annoyed, said, ¨It is already 11. Wake up quickly¨. He replied,¨Coming, coming. I am looking for a T-Shirt. You go on I will follow you ¨. He bent down to look below the table. He found it lying there. He had no idea how it got there. But whatever he picked it up, jerked it off to remove any dust that might have accumulated on it overnight and put it on. He unlocked the door and went out. His father had already gone down. He went to the bathroom to wash his face and gargle. 

Then, he went down to have lunch. That is how his mornings had gone since lockdown. After having lunch, he opened the T. V.  and browsed through it for around 5 minutes. Not finding anything worthy of watching, he got up to go up. His father asked him,” Where are you going?” To that, he replied sarcastically,¨ I am going on a journey to find inner peace¨ He went up to do whatever he had done for the past few weeks since lockdown. 

After spending the whole day in his room, Ram would return to have dinner and then go back up to sleep. And that is how Ram had spent his days since lockdown.