
Student Corner

The Life Of A Student

Written by: Diya Shrestha - 22032, Grade XI

Posted on: 15 April, 2021

Life is the combination of different stages. Among all student life is one of the most memorable and enjoyable stages in my point of view. It is the luck of one to spend student life full of entertainment without any sort of burden. It is also counted as the most important stage in human life. We all are bound to go through different phases of life , learn, experience and grow mature. Education plays an important role in student life. Firstly they pass through school and enter colleges, Universities and so on. Wherever they go education is the must to succeed in life. 

 Besides education, the student should participate in different school programs as well as students should play games and take exercise for good health. To be a successful person in life sound health is needed. For the games and participation in programs, students can choose as per their interests. A student should also build up his/her character and grow. Good character is more precious than any other possession in life. Good habits are also a must in student life, this defines their character. If a bad habit is committed once then it is difficult to choose the correct path. Everything has its own time so we should wait for it and achieve it. As they start to get higher-level education they have many responsibilities to be fulfilled. For good education, students must have proper facilities and training in school and campuses.

 Many students don't know the value of time and life. Waste their life is unwanted activities. So, parents should help them by hunting their interests from childhood. The government should also provide various facilities in schools and campuses.