
Student Corner


Written by: Srijal Ulak - 21117, Grade XII

Posted on: 14 April, 2021

A particularly astonishing inclination is the point at which you love somebody with everything that is in you. You simply get butterflies in your stomach considering them. The butterflies and love resemble lightning and thunder that tag along when it's coming down. It's very much like the ideal warmth you need in winter. Love doesn't have a definition, it's simply a major feeling. It simply the grin you get by seeing an individual in any event, when you are even from a pessimistic standpoint. Love doesn't see your delightful face, a level stomach, or reasonable and smooth skin. Love has no necessities. It's simply something undefinable. It's simply a medication of which you would never get off. 

Love is like your mother waking throughout the night when you are debilitated. It's simply a warm embrace you get from somebody when you are tragic. Love isn't something that you could take or purchase, but it is something that can leave you sorrowful. It's something that instructs you to adore yourself more than any other person. 

Love isn't expressible and reasonable. Whatever I have characterized can't communicate and clarify love a little. Feeling indifferent to the world and the society, the interest in everything was lost. The heart was devoid of the emotions that make a human being lively. Eyes had long lost the shine. Those infectious energy had died and restricted against own feelings. The smile when you see that person with someone else happy and still be happy for that person, such a wonderful feeling isn't it?