
Student Corner

My experience on first day of College

Written by: Niharika Shrestha - 2022014, Grade XI

Posted on: 12 April, 2021

I always wondered what my first day of College would be like. I was very excited to go to the college and meet new friends but Corona didn't let it happen as the whole country was in Lockdown. So we all had online classes. Finally after 3-4 months of online class I got a chance to meet my friends in person.

It was a bright sunny morning and I was really happy as finally I was experiencing college life. I entered college and I took a glance at the college's infrastructure. I thought I sure did make the correct decision. Peaceful environment , greenery everywhere, clean classrooms as finally got a chance to interact with teachers who were supportive. This all makes a perfect environment for the students to study in. I was really excited as well as a little nervous as it was exam time but it didn't ruin my excitement to meet all my friends, teachers, and the new beginning of academic life. My excitement was on par as I came to know that we don't have any dress, as It was my first experience so it also enhanced my excitement.  So, talking about the exam it was not good as I wanted it to be because I didn't study well and also because there was a rumor a day before that the government will not allow schools and colleges to open so I took it more lightly. 

Whatever the context, it was really fun to see all my friends, though It was hard to recognize some of them because they looked kind of different compared to what they looked like in online classes and also because of the mask. But overall it was a fun and memorable experience.