
Student Corner


Written by: Prasun Regmi - 22028, Grade XI

Posted on: 11 April, 2021

Procrastinating the word we all are familiar with and stick by everyday. What is procrastination? Why do we do it?How do we stop procrastinating? These questions arise in our mind when we can’t complete an important task and we procrastinate.In simple words, Procrastination is an act of postponing a task for later and being lazy. It is a common human activity delaying everyday tasks such as school assignment, project work, appointments and many more.

Why do we procrastinate? Just to feel better or is that certain overconfidence. There are hundreds of research conducted but there are no fixed answers. But, In my opinion there are two things that cause us to procrastinate: fear of failure and fear of negative feedback. These two things causes procrastination in my opinion because, we as a human have a problem that we are afraid of failing, we thing that failing is useless and if you fail in something you are trying to do than everybody will hate you or make a fool of you, and other one is fear of negative feedback, these two things are interrelated whenever we are given a task we need to do. Let's take an example of a project that we need to submit on the “Effects of social media”. We use social media everyday, even well aware of the merits and demerits of social media. Even when we do this when we research we are afraid that what if this point is good or not, and we start doubting our own thoughts and this doubt leads us to thinking that the project will not be good. If I submit this and show this everyone will laugh and make fun of me and many more things like this comes to our mind and make us demotivated and eventually we procrastinate, and If we take these things out of our mind we may stop procrastinating and be productive.

How do we stop procrastinating? We can stop procrastinating in many ways just not trying to be perfect in everything you do and stop thinking about what others will think if we do so and thoughts like those may reduce procrastinating but I think the “ two minute rule” can help you increase your productivity in a really good way. Thinking about hard tasks also takes us in the phase of procrastination so, in two minute rule we just break down every task in easy way, for example: reading a page of book everyday, running around your roof for 2 minutes to get you habit into running, learning a formula a day, writing a line a day etc. Like this learning a page of book will let you open book and day by day you will increase your pages and stop procrastinating, running on your roof will let you wear your running gear get you pumped on get running day by day, learning a formula a day will let you open your notes and slowly one formula will turn into one derivation , one word problem and eventually get you in habit of learning and so on. Following these simple rules will help you to stop procrastinating and increase productivity.

Procrastination is a phase in your life that comes to your mind when you think of the hard tasks that you need to complete.In the same way,instead of focusing on the easy task like if you have do ten word problems first think of two and complete those two problems and and do other two so on it will make your task easy makes you feel motivated and increase productivity.