
Student Corner

Advantage and disadvantage of technology

Written by: Manisha Gurung - 22030, Grade XI

Posted on: 08 April, 2021

In general, Technology is the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the accomplishment of objectives such as scientific investigation.Technology plays an important role in our life. Nowadays, people can’t imagine their life without technology, since they are surrounded by different types of technology that can help them to live life in a better and easier way.Technology can save as well as waste our time; it all depends on how we use it.

 Technology saves our time by helping us to do our daily tasks faster and increase our intelligence. It is very easy to get access to relevant information at any time anywhere. Technology is beneficial for us in every field. Likewise, increasing use of technology in the workplace leads to employee motivation, high productivity. well-being and growth-related conversations, technologies like mobile, telephones have made communication easier, faster, and more convenient. Apart from lots of benefits there are some flaws of technology as well. These days people are becoming lazier and they don’t feel the need to step outside of their comfort zone, home to find entertainment and fun such as spending time with friends and family. 

 Today people are excessively dependent on modern technologies. If any technological equipment, machinery, or tool fails to perform which is used in our daily life, then we feel helpless. We are very much dependent on technology for every work which decreases our thinking capacity.People are now very much confined within what they get there on the internet. They don't bother to use their brain and be more creative.People are spending more time using modern technology; they neglect their real life. Unwise use of technology distracts youth from their study and work. It isolates people from their society and social life. Addiction to technology may lead to depression, anxiety, social isolation and many more. Overuse of gadgets has bad impacts on our health.Technology is beneficial for us but excessive use is very harmful in every way. Technology is a system created by humans using scientific knowledge for the attainment of basic human needs. To prevent the negative effects of technology we should limit the use of gadgets and be aware of the disadvantages of technology. 

In conclusion, technology has a lot of benefits and importance in our life. It has been advancing day by day and has been productive. It is essential in today's world, yet it could take over our lives and become our worst enemy if we aren’t careful.