
Student Corner


Written by: Anukrama Paudel - 2022031, Grade XI

Posted on: 07 April, 2021

It's true that people will ruin happiness, when they don't find their own,


It's true that the person you love the most hurts you once in a while and you have to learn to forgive them. It's true that you can be forgiven by others, but you have to learn to forgive yourself. 


It's true that the most delicious bite is the deadliest, 

It's true that one day you will die, and nothing is truer than this fact. 


It's true my best friend and I can do everything and nothing to have the best time together.

It’s true pretending is essential sometimes, but being your authentic self is getting the most out of every precious second. 


It's true that only you are responsible for your happiness and no one else.

 It's true some people are just not meant to stay no matter how hard you want them to stay back.

 It's true the past has already been written, but if you read it again and again the next page of your life will be empty.