
Student Corner


Written by: Kabin Rijal - 2022010, Grade XI

Posted on: 06 April, 2021

This world is a stage and we all are the actors, just like a drama. Drama is not a game of a single individual; we need supporting characters in it. Like drama, our life can’t accelerate without supporting characters. Supporting characters can be anyone. Your parents, friends, teachers, etc .Family and friends play an important role in our life. Everyone has a family and we have a relation of blood with them. We are connected by them even before we see the earth or let's say before our birth. We are connected by blood.But friends are different. This is the relation which is chosen by ourselves. Choosing a family is not possible because we are here only because of them but choosing friends is in our hands. We can choose friends on our own, some motivates us, helps us thus turned out to be good , but there are friends who always demotivate us. It turns out to be bad for us. The family is important for the journey of our life, but friends are important to make that journey beautiful.

Different friends play different roles in our life. Some friends helped us with the study. I have a friend with whom I studied schooling level is still my good friend. I am not very interested in study, even unaware of the importance of study in the life of a student. He always tells me that if you make a good timetable for your studies then you will fall in love with it. Friends teach those lessons of life which we can’t find in a notebook. Some friends are always with you in good times as well as in the bad times of your life. With friends, we share things which we never prefer to share with family or relatives. Friends also help us to gain self-confidence. You have noticed or not that if we are surrounded by a mass of people which we have never met in our life then we will be nervous and scared at the same time if we are with friends we will not be nervous and scared rather than that we will be enjoying that moment.

Until now, I have many friends but all my friends are not the same type of person. Among them, some are very adventurous, helpful, virtuous, and I am pretty sure that every second of my life with them is unforgettable. Every weekend they make different plans like hiking, swimming, futsal, etc. Besides them I also have friends of different caste-like Limbu,Newar, Gurung, etc. Before meeting those friends I used to think that Nepal has only two festivals Dashain and Tihar but after being related with them I got a chance to explore the different cultures of my country.

Friends are the only reason that every moment of ours is joyful. Without friends, I can’t even imagine my life. Friends are always with us in every situation of our life.