
Student Corner

Space X

Written by: Raksit Dahal - 2022024, Grade XI

Posted on: 21 March, 2021

I am not quite interested in space and the things related to astronomy but this name “Space X” made me realize how far human intelligence can go. Space X was originally founded by Elon Musk, the same guy who found Tesla. Space X simply means Space Exploration Technologies.

Before getting into why I was amazed by the works done by SpaceX, let us go through some things. What does your mind come to when you first hear the word rocket? Apollo 11? Neil Armstrong? Rocket something that flies itself out of the earth and goes to space. Rockets are technically a one-way ticket. The billions of dollars invested in making rockets are basically one way. Rockets were not reused, the first partially reusable rocket was made in 1981 but things changed when Elon Musk and his team of engineers thought of building something that would shake the world. SpaceX on August 18 reused Falcon 9 for the 6th time. This not only made an amazing breakthrough in the field of astronomy but also saved a heavy amount of more than 70 Million dollars. 

A rocket that could be used more than once, from the stone age to here we have come a long way. Humans have truly built something that would seem impossible. Also, it kind of feels like a blessing to be born in this generation and be able to see all the inventions humans are bringing.