
Student Corner

Effects of Advertisement

Written by: Jubin Maharjan - 2022026, Grade XI

Posted on: 16 March, 2021

Advertisement is a process through which an organization or a company can notify a large set of audiences about their goal or products and services. Advertisement can be done through the means of television, newspaper, and other forms of social media. Advertisement is about informing or influencing the audience about our objective.

Advertisements can have both negative and positive impacts. Positive advertising shows the targeted audience all the positive effects which one can receive due to any particular product or service. Positive advertisement is optimistic and persuades customers to switch to the desired product or services. Positive advertising is also more common than negative advertising. Positive advertising techniques allow customers to trust the company in question more easily whereas, negative advertisement means advertising the targeted audience a harmful product with a warning to the audience. An example of negative advertisement could be the advertisement of smoking and alcohol. Even though they are harmful products to the audience it is still advertised for the profits of the company. Different false advertisements are also negative advertisements. False advertising misleads and circulates false information towards the audience about their products. We can see many false advertisements on the internet about misleading health claims, misleading illustrations, etc.

As an audience, we must know about to differentiate between a true and false advertisement. Blindly believing any advertisement in social media can may us a victim of false advertisement. So, before believing any advertisements in the media we must learn the facts about them.