
Student Corner


Written by: Srijal Ulak - 21117, Grade XII

Posted on: 04 March, 2021

Are we friends? Just because we talk sometimes, are we friends? I don’t know what a friend means to you, but what I know, a friend is someone with whom you want to share your happiness and sadness but we only talk to each other when we are free and share our inner feelings and when we are not engaged with anyone. We don’t even exist in each other’s world when we have someone else. We don't frequently meet, talk, call or hang out but when we want we meet and share our deepest feelings. There are four types of friendship Acquaintance, Peer friend, Close Friend, and Best friend. Close friends and the best friends are the ones who matter the most in our life after family. Friends don’t only mean humans, even animals can be best friends like Tom and Jerry. Friends are like waves, some small ones which last only for some moments and some are big waves like a tsunami but even a tsunami goes away, but one thing about the friends like a tsunami is they last forever in our memories. Lucky are those who have got friendships that have a separate school, separate college and still cannot be replaced or ignored or forgotten because people go from chatting every night trying to get a reason to talk to someone. In today’s internet age the sad thing is that things go from late-night, non-stop conversations to unseen messages. That is the time we realize that we lost that beautiful bond with our special friends which we wanted to have lasted forever. The reason why we need friends is when you are in that helpless scenario, the depressing mood, and the anger that strangles your soul into sadness. The worst part is not having anyone to share your feelings or mood with. But in those circumstances, one shouldn’t accept any friendship because the worst betrayal never comes from your enemy. Friends are one of those peoples who can give you the best and the worst memories.