
Student Corner

Depression and Sadness

Written by: Shreejal Khatri - 2022024, Grade XI

Posted on: 01 March, 2021

In today’s time, depression has become a major problem that most people are facing. But what is depression? It is something that makes a person feel numb emotionally. Depression is the state where an individual goes through serious mental illness or normal as it differs from the thoughts of an individual.

There are a lot of causes of depression such as conflict, medications, anxiety, death or loss, and stress, etc. Depression makes an individual feel no reason to live life, it takes all the happiness out of their life, Depression makes them feel really insecure and also makes them slowly run away from social life. Someone who is depressed isn’t just going to be ok after days, weeks, or even months. To make it clear there is a huge difference between depression and sadness. Sadness is something that goes away after some time or a day or two. Examples of sadness can be like when you feel down because you couldn’t submit your homework to your teacher even though you spent all night doing it. It makes us down for some moment and slowly we just forget everything and life becomes normal again. But this does not imply to depressed people as I said to cure depression it can take years or some months but for some people, they never recover. Sure there are counseling organizations that help these people as much as possible but only a few people recover and the rest stay emotionally hurt. Depression also has its effects. Some of the harmful effects are it affects our body a lot without even us being aware of it. Depression really screws our day-to-day life routine because a depressed individual gets so emotionally hurt that they just don’t want to do their daily task like taking a shower, brushing, eating unhealthy food(mostly fast food). It makes them run away from any problems or social life. It also ruins their sleep schedule, most people start to love the darkness more and the moment they start loving it, the person becomes very hard to heal. Depression also makes a person’s mood swings really sensitive. Such as the person gets angry or sad even because of the smallest things or something that happens timely. As there are way more harmful effects of depression there are some merits. Yes, there are merits it may make you confused as to why such illnesses have merits. Some of the merits are it makes the person think about himself, it makes them realize that reality is not as we always wished for, It makes them trust themselves rather than trusting other people. Some people learn and strive for even a better and competitive life whereas some just give up and live the rest of their life either pursuing nothing or get involved in drugs, most severe situations can lead to suicide. As there are many dire effects of this illness there are also some treatments and from which we can get out of depression. But I would like to make it clear that these treatments do not work on all people. So first there is music, music helps a lot because there are amazing artists around the world that make songs based on their own life experiences which help the victim relate to the sadness through the lyrics of the song. Another way is to start exercising or workouts. As the victim's health is at risk doing exercise not only makes the health better but also gives the victim some confidence to move forward, it teaches them hard work pays off. There is no need to do some heavy exercises, it can just be by starting by taking a normal jog. The goal here is to make small changes in the victim’s life as nothing can be achieved in an instant. We can also talk to them. Talking to a depressed person and listening to his problems and giving him comfort is also the best medicine. If you feel depressed then talk to someone, get help from the suicide helpline if you ever feel too fed up with life. Remember don’t just bear all the pain, as if you don’t speak up no one is going to see through your pain.