
Student Corner

Is Pollution Due To Urbanization?

Written by: Diya Shrestha - 2022032, Grade XI

Posted on: 28 February, 2021

Pollution is one of the most salient problems all over the world. It is mainly due to the increase in developmental work as well as the increase in population. Pollution is increasing and adversely affecting human health over the last few decades. People are having mainly lung problems due to pollution because of inhaling the smoke and the quality of the environment is also degrading.

Pollution refers to the contamination of the environment due to harmful pollutants. There are different types of pollution like water pollution, soil pollution, land pollution, and air pollution. This is increasing due to the unwanted activity done by human beings.

Urbanization refers to the migration of the population from rural areas to urban areas. People usually migrate because of the facilities given in the city such as transportation, education, occupation, etc. In the context of Nepal, people are migrating from rural areas as well as developing areas to urban areas due to which population increases.

Pollution is increasing due to urbanization. In rural areas, people have different lifestyles, different types of businesses as they are more focused on cottage industries that don't need more manpower as well as there is less waste production. The environment is less polluted due to the living style of people, but in urban areas, the situation is just the opposite. There are big industries that lead to more pollutants. People are not usually disposing of the waste in the right place which is also a sizable problem. Industries such as garments, bricks, carpets, housing, hotels, and restaurants produce waste which creates pollution. Nowadays, people are cutting trees for their own benefit for living, building industries, building houses, etc. In urban areas, people use cars, buses, motorcycles, etc for transportation which increases air pollution. People are degrading the quality of nature only for their personal benefits. 

Pollution leads to global warming which ultimately harms our environment and our health. Due to the negative impacts on the environment, people are suffering from various diseases. This kind of activity only leads us towards our own degradation. Only the use of alternative sources of energy reduces pollution very much.