
Student Corner

The Role Of Women In Our Society

Written by: Ishu Shiwakoti - 22009, Grade XI

Posted on: 11 February, 2021

Women are equally important in society as men are. They're the pillars of the country and also the world further. Seeing the present data of the world, half of the ladies are functioning from morning to evening and fulfilling their family’s basic needs. But we board a society where only men are considered to be good. If a person works all day, all of them see and praise his toil but when a lady works the entire day, nobody notices her and her diligence. Both the male and female should be seen and treated equally not on their gender but on the content of their character.

In the 21st century, in rural areas of Nepal, daughters aren't allowed to go to school rather are forced to interact only in household activities. Also in the name of God, daughters are being offered in temples, which is known as Deuki Pratha. The subsequent superstitious belief is Chhaupadi pratha. During menstruation, they're tortured to remain in an exceedingly small temporary house which is made up of hay, rather than taking care of her in such bad situations, they’re not allowing them to enter their house. They don’t even allow to touch the lights/diyos and luxuriate in Festivals. This is totally an ill-practice in our society.

Finally, nowadays, many of us have started realizing the importance of females in society. Even those who are accustomed to old superstitious beliefs have also started sending their daughters to varsities for her education which positively affects our society and nation. Besides managing household works, women also are engaging themselves within the service sector like banks, hospitals, airlines, schools, and other possible work fields. Similarly, they need to start showing interest in putting in their own business. To mention, they're showering excellent outcomes in various areas like sports, education, literature, science, business and health sectors.

Creating awareness programs and educating the comminity are some of the common steps taken by the people to eradicate these kinds of social problems in our society. A girl must have equal opportunities as compared to a boy. They have to be respected and never be discriminated against in terms of their gender. Their choices and perspectives must be looked upon as they're the backbone of the country. A girl doesn't only bring competition into the work field but also helps within the collaboration of ideas and execute teamwork correctly. They assist in bringing a perspective that values an open economy, modern, and social organisation.

In this way, women play an important and vital role in our society. They exert themselves just to form their family and youngsters happy. Therefore they must have freedom in whatever she does and should be restricted within four walls of the house. We should always remember the contribution of female leaders and have a positive attitude towards women.