
Student Corner

Urbanization and Growth of Population.

Written by: Arya Tharu - 22006, Grade XI

Posted on: 09 February, 2021

We all know what overpopulation means, simply it is an increment in the number of people. These days human beings are confined or living in much-facilitated places. This is due to the Urbanisation and industrial development being centered within urban areas only, resulting in overpopulation in most of the developing countries more than the developed countries. In this modern life, we all want to live a happy life and luxurious life too. So, we move to the facilitated places and start living there. This is an issue of this whole world. Taking an example of Mongolia we can see half of the population residing only in two big cities. I think Overpopulation is mainly caused by a lack of development in all places. As we can see development is only seen in urban areas. Urban areas are getting much more urbanized and rural areas are getting much more ruralized. Personally, I can feel that development is seen only in urban places and no facilities are provided to any rural place in the context of Nepal. The effect of overpopulation is very destructive. It is damaging various aspects. 

Overpopulation is creating a lot of pollution and also degrading the environment as well. It is one of the main causes of global warming. Our natural resources are diminishing and our future generations will not be able to use these natural resources. It is also creating a shortage in the facilities, opportunities, and many more things. Due to overpopulation, lots of diseases are spreading and impacting the whole world. It is affecting, directly and indirectly, not only the human population but also the whole habitat around the globe.

This centered population issue can only be solved by equal distribution of the development and population. Also, facilities should be provided to all the places. Here, Education plays a vital role in solving this problem. Everyone should be aware

of the consequences of overpopulation and more focused on decentralization.