
Student Corner

Break of Dawn

Written by: Girwan Paudyal - 21107, Grade XII

Posted on: 02 February, 2021

In still darkness, not quite light,

A lone chirp rings, wings take to flight.

Trees rustle-breaking silence,

Fledglings coo!

As the first rays of light break through!


As dew drops gather in the morning fog,

Early risers getting ready for a morning jog.

Now animals and birds rise alike;

As fur rises and feathers rustle-

With a distant cry of cockadoodle doo!

The first rays of light break through!


Now the city awakens with hustle and bustle,

And one is busy-ready for a day’s toils and tussle.

As engines rev and purr, resonating mechanical grow,l

Street dogs take to action, barks and a howl!

However, through cold morning silence

In forest green-

A cycle begins, predator and prey nowhere to be seen.

Now with all life awake- flora and fauna too!

The first rays of light break through!