
Student Corner

Toxic Masculinity

Written by: Samrat Nakarmi - 2022011, Grade XI

Posted on: 30 December, 2020

A problem that no one talks about, but has been occurring every second is toxic masculinity. Toxic masculinity is an issue not openly discussed upon, mainly due to it being overshadowed by other problems and being disregarded as a problem. Basically, the term toxic masculinity refers to the harassment of men for not doing things they are “supposed” to do. I’m sure many of you have experienced this yourself. Statements like ‘man-up’ or ‘not a true man’ nowadays are very often used to discourage men who don’t follow the so-called conditions that society has created to become a man. 

Just the thought of it is ridiculous. Since when does crying or showing emotions define gender or showing emotions doesn’t make you a man? How many times have you seen people being made fun of because they like the color pink or playing with dolls? This thing is mentally ingrained in the minds of people as if they have been programmed to think that men can’t do certain things. In this regard, I believe that toxic masculinity is a big problem that needs to be immediately addressed because this has daily been draining on the lives of many men even leading to depression and suicide.