
Student Corner

My First Horrible Experience

Written by: Diya Shrestha - 22032, Grade XI

Posted on: 28 December, 2020

Last year, on the day of Christmas Eve we had a plan. I was so excited to have dinner at the hotel, as the day was Christmas, everywhere music and lights and enjoy with family. We moved to have dinner in the hotel. It was around 8 o'clock and lucky, that there was no traffic jam on the road. I was just thinking about food and music, suddenly we heard a loud horn. We stopped the car and saw that the car crash into an electric pole.

We rushed to the place to rescue the victim. The driver was badly injured. My father, including other people, helped him to come out. He was drunk and had a wound on his forehead. As soon as possible he was carried away to the hospital.

He was only the person in the car. The electric pole was also slanted a bit. The glasses of the car were also scattered in pieces and there was blood all over the car. After some time the traffic police arrived, he inquired the people and cleared the crowd.

It was my first experience witnessing such an accident. It was horrible as well as a scary experience of my life. After that incident, we didn't have that excitement so canceled the plan and headed back home.