
Student Corner

Climate is changing, why aren’t we?

Written by: Prasun Regmi - 22028, Grade XI

Posted on: 23 December, 2020

Climate change is one of the growing issues in the 21st century. Things we human beings do in our lives are contributing to climate change, all this stuff emits harmful greenhouse gases that deplete the ozone layer and UV rays enter which causes global warming, which again leads to the melting of Icebergs, Glaciers, rise in sea level, etc.

 All of us are aware of this stuff and we’re still continuing with it. All of the stuff that we use in our daily life doesn’t work without petroleum products. For example, the car we drive; runs with the help of fuel which comes from fossil fuel, which takes a long period of time to generate from dead and decaying fossils of animals. Just having a car doesn’t mean you have to drive it even if your destination is in close quarters, fossil fuel also produces harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, etc. which causes the depletion of the ozone layer and it causes UV rays to enter the earth’s surface, which causes stuff like global warming and health issues like skin cancer, etc.

As more climate change occurs, more dangerous weather events are happening more frequently, like floods, tsunami, volcanic eruption and many more and if it continues there is no more for human era to live; not only those harmful gases affects the human beings and destroys ozone layer it also affects the animal and insects which helps in the balance of an ecosystem. Lots of plastics and sewages from industries are leading to the death of sea animals and due to deforestation, there is an excess amount of gases like Carbon-dioxide, Methane and many more in the atmosphere resulting in wild animals like Tiger, Rhino, Lion, Elephant, etc in the verge of extinction. Along with that insects like Bee and Ant are also being affected which also plays a huge role in the balance of the ecosystem.

At last, we all are aware of this stuff that’s going around and are well known of its consequences. We also have to think about the future generation and how they are gonna live. Taking this into concern, we must start using alternative sources of energy like solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, etc rather than using fossil fuels. To prevent climate change first we have to change.