
Student Corner

“What do the bristles say?”

Written by: Nirdesh Jung Pandey - 21114, Grade XII

Posted on: 22 December, 2020

Love is all about bloodlust sacrifice

Dear, to grab those rare roses you must walk onto the path of bristles,

With every footstep, you´ll be  losing gore

And all sea of  blood just gets absorbed by a thorn,

“Your holy  cells are  dead,” says the devil of bristles

Absorbing the blood like a leech the bristles say,

“You see, Your love is just another dumb sacrifice cause,

Just for covering the narcissism of the society and your cold mortals let thy be,”

“I am not to be blamed and I am just a metaphorical representation of reality”

“Being a barrier towards your ambition and your fantasy”

“This dream of thorns  resembles your bloody unfair society “

“Every time amending  religion for their stupid cause”

“And proving religion as bringing the context of  the issue”

“God never says so cause he’s merciful”

“Clearly God is not snatching your freedom”

“But your mankind  who are far worse than the devil himself”

“Till then  now you know, you are coldly murdered”

“And so is your loved soulmate”

“So just not happy ending or”

“Just the old story of Romeo and Juliet”

“orRomeo and steve “

“Or Juliet and Barbie”