
Student Corner


Written by: Kajal Bastakoti - 21108, Grade XII

Posted on: 14 December, 2020

This anxiety is drowning me 

OH! I have already been buried

I am nowhere to be heard

Not even myself


I have forgotten to listen to myself

What Am I doing?

What have I been doing?

Hush, It has been so deep


I missed the leap

My legs are chained down

I  have no one to  talk now

Caught up in this  busy world


It has become a silent scream,

I have been crying streaming inside

But, I am nowhere to  herd around

I am almost buried now


Don't worry! Everything is going to be alright

Was all they said

With all of me 

I am glad it is  this far we have made


(Let's take a moment To appreciate Ourselves  and thank ourselves and congratulate ourselves for coming this far behind the hurdles that we have been through without being heard of about our feelings )