
Student Corner

Experience or education

Written by: Niharika Shrestha - 2022022, Grade XI

Posted on: 13 December, 2020

Education is fundamentally a valuable asset for humans. It plays a prominent role in the all-around development of individuals as well as society. I believe education is the most important tool you can receive, that can bring you the most success in society today. We as students think that study is a burden, and get tired of doing assignments but in today's generation education is one of the most crucial things. Education lessens the challenges we will face in life. Education gives us knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. Education makes us capable of interpreting things, among other things. It is not just about lessons in textbooks, it is about the lessons of life. Having life experience is also tremendously important because it helps you grow into who you are.

 Experience and education are two sides of the same coin. For the overall development of human life, both are equally important. Degrees are tickets in the door in the professional world. There are many educated people holding Ph.D. degrees but are not very successful in life. But on other hand, there are people who are more educated without degrees. Today, we have instant access to any information via the web and some people can attain the same knowledge learned in schools and colleges. Book education is very important but along with that, we should experience our life as well. Life experience is how we take what we have learned in our formal education to help us navigate the real world. Life experience is just as important, as without it the formal education carries a little weight. With the pressure of studies, we sometimes forget to live and enjoy our life. So, we sometimes need a break from work and do things that make us happy. It can be our hobbies, traveling the world or even spending quality time with our loved ones. But we should be able to balance it properly. So, one needs to experience life in order to get the full measurement of education.

Not only life experience, but work experience is also important. Education will help us to get employed in a certain company but experience builds our character and helps us gain life skills and practical skills which can be used in most real-world contexts. With experience, we will be able to test our capabilities and truly learn and realize our weaknesses and strengths. Education lays our groundwork for the future but experience allows us to use that education to the fullest extent. Experience helps us to polish our knowledge even more and makes us more confident. The more knowledge we gain the more opportunities will open up to allow individuals to achieve better possibilities in career and personal growth. Entrepreneurs develop their skills not only through degrees but also through their experience. With experience, entrepreneurs know what can bring their business to profit or loss. Work experience is very important to gain a better understanding of a career.

 It's not as simple and easy choosing between education and experience. In my opinion, many people choose work experience over education or grades because getting familiar with their duties, work, and work environment is what matters in any organization. So, I would suggest not to choose between either of them but take both of them equally or gain experience with the education we’ve got instead. We can know the toxicity of the workplace by checking whether we are provided with time and resources etc. As for the real world, examples are Michael Dell, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs who have been successful entrepreneurs and the surprising part is that they are college dropouts. So, this example shows that education isn’t necessary to come up in life. When an individual wants to get enrolled for university placements then he/she needs to obtain an education. But it is up to the person, he/she should take decisions wisely to make their future better.