
Student Corner

Is this world safe for women's ?

Written by: Manisha Gurung - 22030, Grade XI

Posted on: 08 December, 2020

This is the main question for every person on this planet. Even a six months old baby is raped by her own uncle in her home and these painful news make us feel like we aren't even safe inside our home. The Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) define rape as"penetration no matter how slight of the vagina or anus with any body part of object or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person,without the consent of the victicm". well, we all are saying that rape is inhuman activities, it is against our laws, rules and regulations but why it is not stop? it is increasing day by day instead of decreasing . The Nepal police's lastest results shows that the previous fiscal year 2019/20 recording 2,144 cases of rape and 687 cases of rape attempt. according to the senior superintendent of police kuber kadayat "all the departments begin the investigation and search of criminals as soon as they due to lack of concrete evidences, offenders are arrested at the earliest in most of the cases". but if evidences are destroy on the spot like nirmala's evidences then how rapiest can be caught up?

There is a news police have arrested a 14 year old boy on the charge of raping a 6 year old girl means somewhere there is a lack of guardiaship towards their child.whenever we talk about sex eduction or reproduction related topic our parents restrict us from discussing that and make us feel like this topic isn't good at all to be clear. This makes the children more interested to know what exactly that means which is among the main causes that leads to such inhumanos activity among teenagers.

We treat the victims in such a way that they too feel like it's my fault instead of trying to punish the rapists. This is the first mistake we all make . we humilate, we dont show the sympathy and they trying to commit suicide. People don't want to complain to the police with a fare they lose their prestige in society , so we all are ,our thoughts ,our behaviour are responsible to destroy them a second time.

What's the mistake of that nine months baby? Is it because she wears a diaper or is it because she can't say anything? such activities prove no differences between rapiest and animals. There is no doubt to say animals are far better than rapists.

There is a popular slogan in our country today's necessity is women education but from now we should change this slogan because education are necessary for those monster who think that womens are just for their entertainment, we are just their toys with whom they can play anytime they want . reasearch show that the rate of rapes in saudi Arabia is the lowest rape rate in all over the world because they hang the repiest but one shameful fact about our country is that our president being a female herself is paying zero attention to this situation.

We should be victims' motivation and try to be a little hope for them that those inhumans will surely get punished one day and the victims will get justice for sure. There are many monsters in this whole world hiding beside human faces who don't have shame in doing such an awful activity. Nowadays this situation is getting even worse. we must give it a full stop to such activity not only women but men also should stand strongly against such activities, we should break our silence because we can be next Nirmala.