
Student Corner

Impact of stress on Health

Written by: Jubin Maharjan - 22026, Grade XI

Posted on: 06 December, 2020

The feeling of mental or physical tension is called stress. Stress may come from the feeling of nervousness, frustration and anger. Mainly there are two types of stress such as acute stress and chronic stress. Acute stress stays for a short period of times and goes quickly. Everyone has acute stay once in a while and it only causes the feeling of anger in a person. It doesn’t particularly affect the health of an individual. Chronic stress is the stress that lasts for a long period of time and is mainly caused due to loss in personal guilt. If not treated, it may lead to many health problems such as depression, anxiety, heart diseases, blood pressure.

Managing Stress can be really simple. If you see any symptoms of stress you can easily manage it by doing some regular exercise, doing some yoga and breathing exercises, taking some time up from work and the internet and spending more time with your family and friends. Your daily diet also affects your mental health. If you are eating unhealthily or taking excessive caffeine or alcohol, it will also increase your stress level. So, taking a healthy balanced diet also helps in managing your stress level.

Even after following all the steps your stress level is the same, going to a doctor will be helpful. If you have a long-term stress it may cause chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, etc. Consulting a doctor or a therapist will help you to find the source of stress and manage your stress levels.