
Student Corner

Pollution and its Solution in Nepal

Written by: Subesh Tharu - 2022013, Grade XI

Posted on: 02 December, 2020

Pollution is the process in which unwanted and undesirable toxic pollutants contaminate the environment, i.e air, water, soil and many more. It is creating unexpected changes in the ecosystem of Nepal which is directly or indirectly bringing negative impacts on the lives of human beings, animals, and plants as well as surroundings which creates an imbalance in the natural system. Most of the things which makes our lives easy are harmful to the environment. For example, vehicles leave gases that pollute the air, Industries and household garbage pollute both water and air.

Every living being depends on air and water. When these get polluted, all the lives come at a risk. In Nepal it is seen that urban areas get more polluted than in rural areas such as Kathmandu, Nepalgunj, Bhaktapur. It is because urban areas have more vehicles, industries and factories. Also, in urban areas forests are being destroyed for human settlement. Though rural areas also get polluted by harmful pesticides used in farming lands and woods used as a source of energy. Pollution is not only caused by humans but also some are caused by nature such as forest fires, landslides, volcanic eruption etc. In the context of Nepal during the month of January-May in 2016, 268,618 hectares of forest were lost to forest fire which caused pollution as well as many plants and animals were destroyed. Because of pollution, many new diseases appear daily, which are extremely dangerous for the health of living beings. It is one of the serious problems in Nepal which people are facing.

Pollution can get prevented if we control our activities that cause pollution. Trees should be planted on a large scale to increase oxygen in the air. We should compromise our luxury and comfort beside polluting the environment. We have to understand the difference between need and want. Plastic should not be used more. We should not use our vehicle that creates harmful gases and noises. We can use electric vehicles. If we do so, we can minimize the impacts of pollution in Nepal.

Many people and animals are losing their lives or being affected by health issues due to the increased level of pollution. This issue needs immediate attention. Most of the causes of pollution are human activities. So, we should control such activities that contribute to pollution. Every person should know its effects and controlling measures. It can at least minimize its effects.