
Student Corner


Written by: Anukrama Paudel - 22031, Grade XI

Posted on: 23 November, 2020

Well, I never owned you
When your mind had a crew.
When I was a little child
I used to make many demands and choices.
For the first time that I saw you,
My heart echoed in fervent voices.

You were my childhood best friend,
I remember all the gifts we used to lend.
I loved and loved,
Stated once that nothing can’t be unsolved.

Hey man! Our ego came in between,
Obliviated all the moments where we intertwined.
You proved everything wrong what I used to see,
And ignored my feelings without evaluating me.

Being amicable with you was abrasive,
But some of your pledges were quite impressive.
Now sitting on the terrace amidst the cold wind,
Willing to move on but hope doesn’t give a hint.
Hey, can you feel those droplets
Flooding from the edges of my eyes?
Still feels like an ice pick
Stabbing when the heart cries.
When the lines of hands and hands clammed,
All I love and loved,
All alone….