
Student Corner

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and its Controversy

Written by: Benit Shrestha - 21105, Grade XII

Posted on: 22 November, 2020

Genetically modified organisms, commonly known as GMOs, are living organisms whose  DNA structure or genetic foundation is altered using genetic engineering. The term GMOs  includes both plants and animals. Genetically modified animals are generally used for  experimental or research purposes whereas such plants are used for efficient crop yield. The first  GMOs were plants/crops produced for consumption in the mid-1900s. With the advancement in  science, genetic engineering has also come a long way as well, but this seemingly progressive  outlook on GMOs looks a bit problematic from a skeptical perspective.  

GMOs and genetic engineering has been a crucial part in the field of biology. However,  the sectors of agriculture, livestock farming, pisciculture etc are the major areas of impact by  modern-day biogenetics. Genetically engineered Salmon which matures faster and can be sold at  18 months instead of 3 years as well as modified corn which is pest-resistant due to self-secretion  of BT Toxin are some instances where bio-engineering has made agriculture efficient and  convenient. Not just this, GMOs research has opened new areas of discovery in the field of  medicine as well. This means that with the ideal genome combinations scientists can possibly  create vaccines to tackle many diseases and illnesses. Likewise, foods produced with GMOs not  only have a longer shelf-life but also are pest-resistant and leave a better taste when consumed.  

However, even though research concludes GMOs aren’t evidently harmful but rather useful  and safe. Experts suggest that in the long term, GMOs are likely to invite public health safety  concerns and environmental issues. Health concerns involve the onset of allergic reactions from  modified food stuff as well as the possibility of cancer in consumers. GMO foods may trigger  allergies because “[They] contain foreign genes, so some people worry that they harbor genes from  foods that may prompt an allergic reaction” (Raman). As mentioned by Dr. Alessandro Fiocchi in his article “Food Allergy” published in the World Allergy Organization’s (WAO) official site, over  10% of the global population has some sort of seafood or shellfish allergy. And, the genetic  combination of fish DNA in other food products is quite common to maximize yield. Hence, the  possibility of triggering an allergic reaction is equally high while consuming GMO based food  items.  

Talking about health concerns, progression of cancers is another issue that has come to  light after extensive research on GMOs. It is a well-known fact that cancers are a cause of genetic  mutation of DNA and GMOs are literally created using genetic engineering which involves  tweaking the genes of an organism. In regard to this, skeptics claim that consuming GMO food  may alter the DNA of the people eating it and possibly lead to cancer. This worry stemmed from  a mice study, “which linked GMO intake to a higher risk of tumors and early death” (Raman). The  possibility of developing cancer through GMOs is a scary thought-process since no research in  this regard has been made till date. Likewise, as per the American Cancer Society, there is no  medium to link GMOs to the increased or decreased rate of cancer.  

The most glaring controversy regarding GMOs is the risk of genetic pollution, this can be  classified as an environmental issue. As discussed above, GMOs are a result of genetic  modifications. Hence, the natural or founding state of the DNA architecture is altered. This means  GMOs may start to exhibit characters and traits from the genes of other organisms. This instance  is mostly viewed in hybrid plants that take over the farmlands reserved for other  produce(vegetables). Likewise, plantation of GMOs will cause soil contamination in the long run.  This sort of genetic pollution doesn’t only intermingle with nature’s course of pollination but may  ultimately cause soil to be sterile. 

To sum it all up, GMOs are definitely miracles in the field of biology. They have found  true and fruitful purpose in the harvest sector, medicinal field and so on. But in the long run, with  limited research GMOs may run rampant and cause serious damage to the health of humans as  well as other organisms.