
Student Corner

What if we could teleport?

Written by: Kripa Humagain - 21110, Grade XII

Posted on: 19 November, 2020

Teleportation is a process of transporting a matter from one point to another by converting it into energy and reconverting it into the terminal point. So far, Human teleportation has not been possible . But according to new research, quantum teleportation has been achieved. In quantum teleportation, some particles are particularly arranged and transfer their exact quantum condition onto other particles arbitrarily  so far. It is not possible to create the same copy of a quantum state while not destroying the original. Through a process called quantum entanglement ,the information sent and imprinted onto the exact same chemical elements that we are made of,Those materials are then programmed and arranged exactly the way we are. Now the main question, what if teleportation was possible? As our body is made up of billions,trillions of atoms,each atom is a set of data about energy state, locations and so on. So,theoretically, we can say that by scanning the atomic information our body and send that to the specified location and rebuild the way that it was. But transferring that much information is not that easy.  Also we don't know that if we teleported, would we be the same person the way we were?,would it have our memories?,would it have our personality? And teleporting this much data will take a very long time. And also if teleportation is possible then, our daily life will be completely changed. We can go everywhere we want to. Now waking up in front of the Eiffel Tower and eating breakfast in U.S.A, and to India for meal, and then again to the U.S for spending the whole day is like a dream for me ,if teleportation is possible, this could also be possible and that will remain no dream for me.