
Student Corner

Should Rapists be Hanged to Death?

Written by: Kajal Bastakoti - 21108, Grade XII

Posted on: 03 November, 2020

Well, the question that I am going to put forward and ask you is very disturbing. But, let's bear with it and stay that you are in a place of a boy/girl that has been raped.

How would you feel when the rapist that lives next door to yours is roaming around freely even after you have appealed for justice and he was found guilty. Yes, that is what happens in the real world especially in a country like Nepal. Then how can we expect punishment as serious as the Death sentence to be applied when we don't even have proper justice?

Well, in my opinion, Rapists deserve to be hanged but what I would like to take into consideration is, in this modern era of false accusation and injustice what if an innocent person is hanged in someone else's place? As power and wealth come way handier to these ill-minded people and even justice goes blind and craves for money, How can we expect the real culprit to be caught and punished? We have the examples in Nepal as well. Why hasn't Nirmala Panta's case been solved despite all people demanding justice?. I feel like these people who were involved in this brutal, shameful act are indeed the sons of a wealthy known family and are freely roaming around without any consequences. Whereas people like farmers are dying in jail or on the street after everything being taken away from him/her for not being able to pay back their loan. Well, you might be thinking, Why I am connecting a farmer and a rape victim right?

Yes, this is what is happening right now, “Rich are getting richer and poor are getting poorer ” All this is happening is because of filthy politics and blind justice being directed by ill mindsets who choose money instead of duty. I would like to go with 

“Rapist should be hanged to death If and only If he/she is the real rapist and understands that rape is an Immoral act ”

What I mean to say is, there is no chance for a rapist to be a person who doesn't understand what rape is and what can be its consequences to the victim. I go with 


As I am not that kind of person who takes the word rape easily and it being put into jokes and the saying “It's a joke”. What I feel like is even the people who make bad jokes about rape by using it as a Meme Troll, or Dark Humour should be rightly punished as well.

Because rape is not a thing that you can laugh on and show how much you get sarcasm. It is a very serious thing and if that doesn't make sense imagine your sister/mother/brother or even yourself in that place where you had been a victim, who is trying to put your life together and trying to live again. 

You would not want to be the person who is going to crash that person's life once again, would you?