
Student Corner

My Aquarian Friend

Written by: Karma Gurung - 21109, Grade XII

Posted on: 05 October, 2020

My friend is an Aquarian and he is quite a gem. Although he will irritate you, not once but over and over again, he will always have your back. He is very friendly but always has a pessimistic aura around him. He will notice every single word and action you do so be aware of your action. My friend doesn’t give a single thought to another person’s feelings. He won’t care about your emotions or your expectations, it’s not that he wants to hurt you but he simply doesn’t care about your small feelings. He will not show any emotions no matter what, he won’t beg you to stay no matter how much he really cares about you. He always chooses quality over quantity likewise with friends too. He is content with having a few friends rather than a whole bunch of idiots. He always does what he says which makes him very dangerous cause sometimes even I don’t know if he is joking or he is telling the truth. Having an Aquarian friend is both a blessing in disguise and a pain. He will believe in you if you believe in him. 

He has an unbelievably high standard for things and you won’t be able to lower it, not even a tiny bit. He may be friendly to you but he doesn’t mix friendliness and friends together. Just because he is friendly to you, doesn’t mean you guys are friends. He doesn’t like to repeat himself so you should listen carefully for the first time. And the most shocking trait of my friend is that he looks very innocent but is a very troublesome guy. 

He will not talk to you but only reply to you once you have gained his trust. He values trust over everything, but the hardest part is to gain his trust cause he will genuinely look out for that person who has earned his trust. By being a friend of an aquarian, I have gained a lot of skills like having zero expectations from people and tolerating a lot of nuisance. Being around my friend, he makes me feel like I am the most positive person because this guy is just too negative. I believe in my Aquarian friend as well as believe in our friendship to be a lifelong friendship.