
Student Corner

Would The World Be A Better Place Without Religion?

Written by: Shritika Pokhrel - 21123, Grade XII

Posted on: 29 September, 2020

What would happen if there was no religion in the world? If all people were in the same position, maybe? There will be no war, no destruction, and of course no problems. Many people think that the cause of wars and problems not only in the present but also throughout history is because of religion. If there hadn't been any religion, there wouldn’t have been any wars. To pin out their points, they give examples of many social problems like slavery, discrimination which might happen because of religion.

       Many atheists and skeptics believe that religion should be discarded. But is religion really a problem for the world? Would the world be really a better place without religion? It is true that from the time of our ancestors to this generation, many social problems happened in the name of religion. However, I don’t think the major problem is religion. The major problem is the thinking way of people and the sinful act they do in the name of religion. This has nothing to do with religion. Humans are the ones who use religion to do sinful works.

      Let us suppose for a moment that religion doesn’t exist, will the war, violence really disappear from society? Will the person really start loving each other without discriminating against people in the name of their body color? Will the hatred, lying, stealing really stop if religion doesn’t exist? Well, I don’t think so because these sorts of activities are the results of people’s thinking capacity; the way they think. 

     Religion is something that gives the identity of people. Rather, I will say it is the way of life. It teaches us to devote ourselves in front of nature. Every religion has its own identity but the common thing they all have is to love nature and find inner peace. And I think that’s the only thing that religion teaches us is to love yourself and every organism present in the world. But, we human beings, in the name of religion started attacking one another for being superior. 

     Having a different religion doesn’t mean that some are inferior and some are superior. It simply means that you have your own identity, your own ethics- that you have to protect at any cost. To make the world a better place, you need not follow obsolete religion. Rather than that, you can just change your way of thinking. It will be more than enough for making the world a better place.