
Student Corner

Importance Of Water On Earth

Written by: Aditya Majhi - 2022004, Grade XI

Posted on: 24 September, 2020

Water is an inorganic, transparent, tasteless, colorless chemical substance, which is the main component of the earth. Its chemical formula is H2O. It is important to all forms of life, even though it is tasteless. Water has the important ability to dissolve many substances. Life is believed to originate from water. All plants and animals need water to survive. If there is no water we can’t survive on the earth.

Directly or indirectly water affects all things of the earth. Without it, there will be no vegetable, no land, no oxygen, and ultimately no life. If the drinkable water is finished it will be hard for living beings to survive on the Earth. Every part of our body contains water. Insufficiency of water will make us dehydrated, ultimately leading to death. We must drink water in a proper amount so we can run our brain optimally, it even helps us to digest our food, make us healthier, etc. To do our household activity we need water. We can generate electricity out of the water which helps us in the increment of the national treasure. So water has multiple purposes, human beings have to use it wisely by using their conscience.   

Water plays an important role in agriculture, climate, production of foods, and even creating independent scenarios. For agriculture, water is an important source because it helps us to keep the land fertile and as we know plants need water to grow. Due to plants and trees, we can get oxygen to live our life adequately. Even in the water, there is oxygen so that aquatic animals can breathe in water. Water also helps in climate change, due to the water cycle climate changes in different forms. As water vapor circulates through the atmosphere and in the ocean, it alerts the temperature and pressure. With the help of selling water, we can also earn money. In the deserted country, there is a lack of water which leads to the death of thousands of animals, species as worst as possible. So, where there is less amount of pf water people are not able to live there. If one can produce more hydro-electricity, they can lead their nation towards prosperity and can put themselves in the world economic forum as leading countries.

Human beings have been polluting the water, going against nature, but we forgot the reality, that water is important for our survival, we should always use it wisely so that generations will not die from lack of water and save this planet for our future generations. From now onwards, we should use water wisely and raise our voice against the excessive use of water and stop polluting water which is also one of the critical resources.