
Student Corner

Getting Things Done

Written by: Utkrist Mani Neupane - 21133, Grade XII

Posted on: 20 September, 2020

We, humans, take productivity as a directly proportional quantity for being successful and accomplished. The Google search for the term “Productivity” had seen a great spike in late March of 2020 just as the world began to shut down. People started feeling that they were wasting their time, just spending time on YouTube, Netflix, or just taking long naps and wanted to get things done and learn new skills. 

To accomplish what you want, it shouldn’t be about doing your least favorite task first then doing the activities you enjoy doing. In fact, it’s exactly the opposite. Ever wondered why you have high motivation and enthusiasm to do the things that you like and not having the same zeal when you’re doing something that you don’t like. It’s because of the energy you get while doing the activities you like, they are dependent on Domaine, the hormone your brain releases when you are happy and enjoy doing it but you can’t trick your brain to release dopamine while not doing anything. What your goal, to get things done, should be starting with the activities that you love while you complete that task, dopamine is released and it makes you happy and motivated and while you are satisfied with the work you did, you should be going after the other things that don’t seem so appealing. 

Doing tasks that appeal to you first should be your goal to achieve what you don’t like. It basically sums up to, starting your day, doing the project or your assignments that you have avoided will make you avoid it again that day as well but starting out with the activities that you are interested in or something that gives you satisfaction after completing it, will make you look forward to completing the remaining tasks.