
Student Corner


Written by: Abishkar Acharya - 21102, Grade XII

Posted on: 14 September, 2020

Imagination; the word, is something that pops up in a person's mind or the eyes, everyone must have felt it at some point in their life, you might even be out here imagining about kinds of stuff that constantly fill your mind in any situation you are in. If someone says you “imagine a car in front of you” then you instantly have an image of any car of your choice in front of you and just keep that thing in your head and suppose the car. Imagination is a vast thing that is in our head forever, many discoveries happen because of imagination. Imagination has no limits, it's all in your head and no one can stop you from imagining anything in your head.

The main role of imagining something is played by your mind and it can or can’t be controlled, I have no idea about that. It is also said that imagination and the dreams you see are interconnected and have a purpose in a person's life but that just might not be the case as well, what if a person is dreaming of something else and has an image of something else like I do. I keep on imagining a lot of things most of the time even if I’m actively doing something. Dreams and imaginations in my point of view are different and are like sky and land in my case, but as we know it might not be the same for everyone else as everyone born in the universe i.e for us in our planet earth is a unique individual that has their perspective of thinking and might find me wrong in their way. I’ve heard many famous individuals saying that imagination has something to do with a person’s life and if someone can control their mind they can control what they imagine and I find it totally wrong cause what I imagine has nothing to do with my reality and the thing about controlling the mind and imagination I find that wrong too cause how much I try to meditate or concentrate my mind in only one thing I have imaginations of really weird things and I just deny the facts, but as I said it might not be the same in everyone as everyone’s unique and has a different perspective.

Imaginations sometimes can be very hard and stiff that can play with your mind and emotions as well, I’ve seen it in some people where they imagine of something really scary being around them and then they suddenly lose their state of mind control and get scared of their own imaginations and express them emotionally, either crying or shouting; in their own ways. Therefore I say that imagination is something that no one can get a clue of and is just something that they have in themselves to see in them.