
Student Corner

Music And Pandemic

Written by: Sashuv Kafle - 21130, Grade XII

Posted on: 13 September, 2020

In the current time, we are forced to stay inside our homes and maintain social distancing. This lockdown loneliness is bothering a lot of us. Everybody’s feeling depressed right now as they are not supposed to travel, meet friends, and have fun. Staying at home all day, watching the mobile screen, and surfing the internet has made our minds numb. There are many things that we can do and we are doing right now like painting, following a workout routine, coding, dancing, and many more.

And In this boring period of time, music has been a good friend of mine and it always has been. It’s the only thing that’s giving me the strength to fight this depressing time.  I have been learning new songs on my Ukulele and I am enjoying it a lot. I am glad that I have time to give to music and to myself as well. Sometimes enjoying yourself is a good thing to do. Music helps a lot in changing the moods. Music has a direct effect on our hormones. If we listen to music we enjoy, and it decreases your level of stress in your body. It helps to fight anxiety and boredom. It is necessary for us to keep ourselves physically and mentally healthy and in such times it is a must. As we are disturbed mentally which can affect our health, studies as well as our social behavior. We must be careful about it and should take care of ourselves and our family. It is a must for parents to know how their children are doing as well as for you to utilize this time that you have got which we never have imagined.  

So, thanks to music, it has really helped a lot. So, what is on your pandemic checklist?