
Student Corner


Written by: Subham Regmi - 2022014, Grade XI

Posted on: 09 September, 2020

Patriotism means to love one’s country, people, and to defend it. The land where we are born is dearer than the life of ours. It is rightly said, ”Motherland and mother are greater than heaven”. A mother brings us into the world and motherland rears us. So, it is greater than in our lives. It is a noble deal of our to be patriot that fills our hearts with pride.

The achievement of a country's glory inspires us. Whenever we see our national flag hoasted our head is held high and we feel proud, we cheer, and if it bows we lose our country and become ready to defend our country at any cost. To safeguard national pride, we don't even hesitate to sacrifice our lives. We are proud of Amar Singh Thapa, Dharmabhakta, and Balbhadra, who sacrificed their lives for national independence and unification. 

A true patriot always thinks for the betterment of his country and people. He keeps national interest above his personal one but a false patriot looks towards his personal interest. But, on the other hand, a true patriot has a selfless character. He is the true son of a nation. Patriotism is to love one’s country but it doesn’t mean to hate the rest of the world. It is the age of international brotherhood. We are living together in an international family. We have to think about the welfare of mankind.

Finally, patriotism in a true and broad sense is indeed marvelous. As a result of the sacrifices of patriots, a country can develop in no time and become self-sustained. We can make the life of all people happy and we can preserve our pride by way of true patriotic feelings.