
Student Corner

Communication Skills

Written by: Samir Khadka - 21120, Grade XII

Posted on: 16 August, 2020

Do you choose the correct medium of communication while communicating with your friends? Or maybe you feel betrayed that even if you made things clear about something and made a decision and conveyed it to your friends at the correct time but didn’t get any response instead. Then probably you are choosing the incorrect way of communicating.

Many people are scared to communicate with others because they don’t find themselves as extroverted as the people they meet outside their community. They meet people who are quite unfriendly and feel that everyone is the same. Sometimes verbal errors can also cause misunderstandings between people which can lead to bad communication. To be a good communicator we should try to listen to what the speaker is trying to say rather than speaking more ourselves and disrespecting the thoughts of the speaker. we should also choose a good medium for communication. If we have some information to share formally then we can choose communication channels like e-mail, but if the information needs to be conveyed urgently, we must make a phone call or meet the people personally.

Suppose you want to invite someone to a birthday party. If you mail them, they might not get the information at the correct time and may not attend. You will feel bad about this but you should know that you have chosen a wrong communication channel to convey the message. Instead, you would invite them by making a call. Make sure to follow the 7C’s followed during communication: Clear, Concise, Correct, Concrete, Coherent, Complete, and Courteous. Verbal Communication, Nonverbal Cues Speak Volumes, Visual Communication are the types of communication.

Technology provides people a wide variety of communication channels. To use them correctly and at the right time is our foremost task to do. Make sure the person whom the information is to be conveyed gets the information at the right time so that we don’t get into trouble. Those people who can communicate properly are also the ones with good leadership skills and get good attention from the people around them. Famous CEOs are good communicators and that is why they possess such good personalities. You might have heard about the elevator speech where you need to discuss and explain your ideas within a short period of time and if you succeed, you can make a good deal.


To sum up, communications skills are the most required skills that we need in this modern era. We have lost a way of proper communications due to the wrong information gained on social media. There can be  tons of fake news when you surf the internet; so make sure that we only share information that is true and if you are not sure about it, don’t convey it to others. There should always be a good channel to communicate.