
Student Corner

Why Are Failures Treated In Different Ways?

Written by: Sophi Shrestha - 21126, Grade XII

Posted on: 13 August, 2020

Have you ever been so scared of failing that you decided to give up without even trying? Failure and life go hand in hand. It's impossible to live a life without failure. For most of us, failure feels like something that defines who we are. But failure is simply a cost you have to pay on the way of being right. Failing a test means you're not smart enough. Failing in business means you don't have what it takes. Falling in arts means you're not creative and so on….

This is much more different than how society often talks about failure. There is a saying that we learn from every mistake in life, but it's just a saying no one applies it in life. If they fail they feel that they have done a crime. They think being a failure is the same as a curse. They think life has only one chance and if in that one chance also we fail then it's all over no more reason to leave.``Doing something is better than doing nothing”. None of this is to say that you should seek to make mistakes or that falling is fun. It's obvious that you will always try to do something right. And falling in something that is important to you is never fun.

But in life failure will always be a part of your growth for one simple reason. People fail in many places, in school, business, and life so on. Most of us are scared to accept the word “ fail”. But if we take it in a positive way then we can find that failing is teaching us something good and we accept it then we'll never repeat that mistake again. Different types of people are treated in different ways, failures are also treated in different ways. Like heart failure are treated with a combination of medications and exam failure are also treated in different ways. Accepting every situation is way better than ignoring it. Those who are failures feel that everything is over; they don't try to manage it and move on. They stuck thinking what others think about me and how they will treat me. So it's better to learn from the reason what made us fail and move on. It helps us to be alert and never repeat it again. You make mistakes, have setbacks or you simply fail. But you can't avoid it. 

It's human nature. It is obvious that getting outside of our comfort zone makes us scared. So, we should try to remove that fear by considering all of the potential outcomes of our decision and try to take word failure positively. Because failure presents you an opportunity to learn until you get it right. We should try to consider all the athletes, scientists, entrepreneurs, and other successful people who have tried and failed, But never gave up.