
Student Corner

Time Travel

Written by: Samip Adhikari - 21119, Grade XII

Posted on: 30 July, 2020

We all wonder if we could move from one point to another, as such sitting in some type of vessel or a vehicle. That would be more sort of fun and quite interesting for our present generations that always dreamed of going to the past or moving back to the future. Hold on, time travel is much more complicated than we think when we are ready to take a new adventure.

If we see the Relativity theory of the Late Scientist Albert Einstein, we get to know the connection between space and time. We all know light travels at the greatest speed but some scientist believes time does. Much research in the past also showed that the time clock on an airplane is behind the clock on the ground. This seems quite interesting to know that time travels at a different speed. Meanwhile, the absence of gravity above the earth causes the clock of the satellite to travel faster. Many of us even had heard the word dilation. It must have been the effect of time they travel back to earth younger than their twins. Were they in time travel?WhoKnows?

Cosmic Strings, Infinite cylinder, Black Hole, and Time Machines draw many conclusions and theories on time travel. While the cosmic string is believed to bend space-time between two parallel strings under such configuration that might make time travel real, an Infinite cylinder is said to roll masses 10 times bigger than the sun into the very long but very dense cylinder forming a spiral around it that might take us into time travel. Another black hole theory is most mysterious of all the time when we know it has been absorbing all lights and nobody knows where this light travels into. Can we travel into the future getting into a black hole? Well, nobody has tried this yet. Well, we all dream of making a Time Machine to go back and forth. Moving a time machine at different speeds might be possible but it's a long way for scientists and physicists to go around.

Taking a note on this, it might seem another big achievement for this generation but it might prove to be equally fatal for human civilization. For now, we can only end up with different assumptions and theories.