
Student Corner


Written by: Kripa Humagain - 21110, Grade XII

Posted on: 26 July, 2020

Pollution is one of the biggest burdens in today's world. It is a threat to the environment and affects all. It occurs when pollutants contaminate the surroundings. Pollution is a global problem. Pollution has now reached its peak due to all modern advancements and development. Pollution is a major cause of premature death .Also, it can be caused by natural events such as volcanoes, forest fires, etc.

There are many forms of pollution; Air pollution, water pollution, sound pollution, etc. Air pollution is the most dangerous form of pollution. This pollution is caused by both natural and artificial events. When volcanoes erupt, they emit ashes and cause pollution. Most air pollution is not natural. Mainly, Industries produce harmful gases like carbon monoxide, Sulphur dioxide, etc. which cause air pollution. Vehicles, deforestation, household and farming chemicals, etc. also cause it.

It can be controlled by improving industrial emission standards ,Maintenance of vehicles ,afforestation ,and the government can make strict laws against pollution, creating sustainable development strategies, promoting the use of electric vehicles, following the concept of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. And so on. Use of pesticides must be discouraged. There are many ways to reduce pollution. We people should also be aware about pollution and its effects in order to prevent the worst from happening. The effects of pollution are alarming. Pollution causes global warming, acid rains, respiratory problems, etc. If the pollution is not controlled, the air will become so poisonous that it will be necessary to use an oxygen kit to breathe easily and can lead to respiratory disease, lung cancer and other diseases.

Pollution control is our responsibility .Let's protect our mother Earth.