
Student Corner


Written by: Kripa Bhandari - 21129, Grade XI

Posted on: 17 March, 2020

The trees are in their autumn beauty; the woodland paths are dry, 
Under the October twilight, the water –mirror’s a still sky.
When I first met you, I wished to have a golden pair of sparkling shoes,                                
I thought you would get me like Prince Charming;
traveling the whole town while I wait for you in my shiny shoes!

My dream had come true and I was your beauty and you were my beast,                      
I wished I were, but that sweet a character in any fairytale.
But like in every fairytale mine story had a twist;                                                         
Love took my dignity while my dignity knew no love.

“zzzzzz” my mobile bombinated with a sweet ringer,                                                    
I checked my phone and saw it was you – my love! Or so I thought!
You said, “I want you and I wish to behold the beauty you hide!”                                           
I denied and I cried and I pleaded to conclude!

But – you changed; persisted and turned stubborn and rude,                                          
Afraid of losing you I changed my mind and mood.
I switched on to my front camera – selfie mode!                                                                    
And in its frame I lay – just I!                                                                                      
My pride, my shyness, my dignity – I lay all behind!

And a “click”                                                                                                                
I sent you every curve and edges of my body – unseen were my soul and heart engraved in it!                                                                                                                 
As the moon bid goodbye and the sun ray’s penetrated the dawn,                                                     
I woke up assuming that my relationship has taken a new shape and I the protagonist, 
the lover like in any fairytale!

But then my mobile started bombinating again- unusually,                                                     
I thought it was you – perhaps you were sorry or you wanted to talk something of merry!
I blushed – thinking and framing our cute future pictures – the love birds!                                
But then I saw my friend texting me those pictures – those intimate pictures!                          
I was to be seen – only I !

I was low; repulsive what perhaps should have been a mark of love turned hideous!                                                                                                                            
 I slit my wrist;                                                                                                                               
The mark on my wrist is a testament of my folly which I must confess!                                         

I lay there bleeding and saw my mother – a phone in her hand,                                                                   
How I wished she could never see her puku withered, ashamed and shattered!                  
I cried, I begged and I pleaded for forgiveness,                                                                      
And she stood there - in despair.

And that was it, I saw my fairytale befall into innumerable pieces,                                              
I realized – neither was I sleeping beauty nor snow white                                                         
A moment of silence and I felt my life had turned bright!
I got my happily ever after, in a hereafter                                                                              
Perhaps what they call a paradise!